- The Growing Information Gap(1)- -
- 2005-07-02
- 肖利华
- The Growing Gap between the Information Rich and the Information Poor, Both Within Countries and Between Countries A Composite Policy Paper Alfred Kagan, editor Introduction The IFLA Social Responsi...
- Horizontal Leadership- -
- 2005-07-02
- 肖利华
- Horizontal Leadership: Bridging the Information Gap A paratrooper sets up a satellite radio - U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Charles B. Johnson Technology Review published a story, How Technology F...
- 摘读- -
- 2005-07-02
- 肖利华
- 李岚清说,“对音乐感兴趣和做一个音乐家是两回事。就我的体会, 成为一个真正的音乐家,需要具备四个条件:一是天赋,二是兴趣,三是勤奋,四是环境,四个条件缺一不可。对后三条,我想不会有异议,说到天赋,可能...
- 神笔马良的故事
- 2005-06-30
- 肖利华
- 神笔马良 作者:洪汛涛 听人家说,从前,有个孩子名字叫做马良。父亲母亲早就死了,靠他自己打柴、割草过日子。他从小喜欢学画,可是,他连一支笔也没有啊! 一天,他走过一个学馆门口,看见学馆里的画师,拿着一支...
- 解读IT巨人知识管理的成功密码- -
- 2005-06-28
- 肖利华
- 解读IT巨人知识管理的成功密码 发表时间: 2005-06-05 17:50:30 作者: 黄国辉 来源:智网 [编者按]因为企业外部环境、企业文化、企业战略的不同,企业在管理上往往体现出不同的特征,这在企业柔性管理领域尤为明...
- 印度的密教经典--古老的祝福- -
- 2005-06-20
- 肖利华
- 印度的密教经典--古老的祝福 多吃些粗粮 . 给别人比他们自己期许的更多,并且用心去做 熟记你喜欢的诗歌 不要轻信你听到的每件事,不要花光你的所有,不要想睡多久就睡多久。 无论何时说 “我爱你”,请真心实...
- Mind the Talent Gap- -
- 2005-06-20
- 肖利华
- Mind the Talent Gap Coping with the Skills Shortage In 2005, most businesses are facing or about to face six major challenges: Differentiation – standing out from the crowd, overcoming brand blandn...
- Prospering in a Networked Economy- -
- 2005-06-20
- 肖利华
- Prospering in a Networked Economy THE NATURE OF WORK worldwide is set to change more in the next decade than over the last 200 years, leading to global networks of people conducting business in a co...
- Winning by Sharing - Book highlights- -
- 2005-06-19
- 肖利华
- Winning by Sharing - Book highlights Winning by sharing is about the dramatic changes in the nature of work, the emergence of the network economy and its implications for corporations, employees a...
- 前世界冠军熊国宝羽球讲义(2)- -
- 2005-06-19
- 肖利华
- H. 步法: H.1 基本站位法: H.1.1 发完球后,右脚在前,左脚在后,两双脚的距离大概是一尺(注:30公分), H.1.2 同时两双脚的脚后跟要向上提起,不要着地, H.1.3 人呈半蹲姿势,同时向前倾斜一点,这样来等待...