– 有些东西,学者们并不擅长,或者说这些东西并不适合搞学术研究,但学者们非要自作聪明地去插一杠子,那就难免丢人现眼了。】
Christopher写的“Logistics and Supply Chain Management”一书,翻译:程晓华。
Organization integration
Whilst the
theoretical logic of taking systems view of the business might be apparent, the
reality of practical implementation is something else. The classical business
organization is based upon strict functional divisions and hierarchies. It is
difficult to achieve a closely integrated, customer-focused materials flow
whilst the traditional territorial boundaries are jealously guarded by
entrenched management with its outmoded priorities.
In these
conventional organizations, materials manager manage materials, whilst
production managers manage production, and marketing managers manage marketing.
Yet these functions are components of a system that needs some overall plan or
guidance to fit together. Managing the organization with the traditional model
is just like trying to complete a complex jigsaw puzzle without having the
picture on the box cover in front of you.
The challenge
that face the business organization in Today’s environment are quite different
from those of the past. To achieve a position of sustainable competitive
advantage, tomorrow’s organization will be faced with the need to dispense with
outmoded labels like marketing manager, manufacturing manager or purchasing
manager. Instead we will need broad-based integrators who are oriented towards the
achievement of marketplace success based upon managing process and people that
deliver service. Generalists rather than narrow specialists will increasingly
be required to integrate materials management with operations management and
delivery. Knowledge of system theory and behavior will become a prerequisite
for the new type of manager. As important will be the orientation of these
managers: they will be market-oriented with a sharp focus upon customer service
as the primary source of competitive advantage.
Cheng),全面库存管理(TIM)咨询独立顾问,《制造业库存控制技术与策略》课程创始人、讲师,《制造业库存控制技巧(第1/2/3/4版,第5版预计2023年6月上市)》、《首席物料官》、《决战库存(大陆及港台版)》、《制造业全面库存管理》、《全面库存管理数学分析》著作者,邮箱:johnchengbj@126.com TIM订阅号:ITOOTD
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